Free Spirits Nonathlon Rower Profile - fkoene

Free Spirits enjoy our Concept 2 with the camaraderie and motivation that comes from being part of an online community. Our ethos is to have fun whilst training on the erg. It doesn't matter how much or little anyone rows, or whether you prefer distance work or sprints. There is something for all. Age is irrelevant. Nobody will tell you what you must do but we warn you that participation can get addictive with our members participating in many challenges during the season.

Part of club life is participation in and discussion of the Nonathlon which is why we built this tool for all to enjoy and use to fine tune your Nonathlon effort and reminisce about seasons gone by.

Season Points 500 1k 2k 5k 6k 10k 30 60 HM FM + Avg.
2008 8092 887 883 850 891 888 884 904 885 898 872 100 884
2010 7937 892 886 860 902 888 869 872 878 890 0 882
2012 3527 892 875 871 889 0 882
2015 7977 855 827 852 876 881 872 880 883 870 908 100 870
2016 7889 858 830 844 874 870 870 866 864 883 860 100 862
2017 7867 869 872 861 881 877 872 881 876 878 0 874
2018 8005 882 877 882 902 907 899 892 888 876 0 889
2019 8140 903 895 890 915 917 915 906 897 902 0 904
2020 8090 874 888 882 903 916 912 899 905 911 0 899
2021 8252 904 903 895 909 913 904 908 905 911 868 100 902
2022 7972 867 862 877 898 919 877 887 868 917 0 886
2023 8063 872 878 882 905 898 916 893 895 924 0 896
2024 6022 839 832 836 870 887 869 889 0 860
2025 6825 812 844 838 853 867 871 871 869 0 853
Score Colour Gradient

The table shows all of a rower's scores for every event in every year they have rowed. Use the buttons on the right of the table to colour code the results on an orange-yellow-light green-green-blue-purple scale showing low->high scores or low->high performance compared to the average score for that year.

Select Formatting Option

None Score Avg

Interesting facts

Best Season - 2021
Best Score - 924 points in the HM in the 2023 season
Best overall event - HM with an average score of 896

All seasons

This chart shows all of the performances for every year that the rower has entered a score for that event.
You can see from this data trends over years within each event and alse trends across years.

Radar Chart
Radar Chart
Radar Chart

The radar graphs show performance for the current season and last season. Using a radar graph makes it easy to see where performance has dipped for any event or type (sprint, mid-distance, long-distance) of event. A nice smooth shape shows you have been pretty consistent across all events. Some rowers may see a 'spiral' effect if they have a strong bias towards short or long distances. The final radar shows a comparison of the last two seasons on the same axis.

(Note that the individual season radars have an axis that scales to accomodate the scores for that year, making reading across years a bit tricky.)

All of the data above is based upon the rower name that was used this season. If a rower has used other names in the past, they just need to drop me an email and I can set the system to look for those names too and collate them for you (unfortunately the '#psychic_powers plugin is not working right now). You can contact me Please let me know if there are any features that you would like to see and any issues that you encounter. Finally, many thanks to Paul Harris and Andy Nield for keeping the Nonathlon alive and well.