Signature Image Generator (v2)

Show in image?

4 minutes2

30 minutes2
Hour of Power2
Half marathon2
Full marathon2

1The SBvPB Power shows how close you are to your PB in power. It will be calculated automatically when you have entered PB and SB times and then clicked (or tabbed) out of the field. You MUST use the format h:mm:ss.s for times and 0,000m for distances but it is quite forgiving. 6:45.2 and 7,654m would be fine, but it would accept 6:45 and 7654 too. If the table does not recognise your format then the SBvPB field displays a hyphen.

2These names are locked down because I hope (one day) to allow you to plot graphs of your season, life(?) progress against these activities. If you can change the label then I won't be sure that your time is for the right event.

Please log in to the forum, then choose your settings

Text size:

Text colour:


Background colour:

Outer box colour:

Table border and bottom message colour:

Cell colour:

 logo Show Free Spirits logo?

Text to put under the table :

(if it does not fit you'll see "TEXT TOO LONG")

Instant Preview

Font faces might not work if your machine does not have them, but otherwise it should give a good idea of the colours.

This is just a a demo
Click 6:59.9 2:59:59
Preview! 7:20.2 Ha ha

Click [Preview] below to get a true preview.

Use the tick boxes to switch on and off rows and columns in the image.

When saved, you can add this to your signature copying and pasting in the orange bbcode below:


Tick box to overwrite your existing image.

Preview of your image

This grey box is approximately the width of the forum column (though this changes with how you view the page!).
If your image does not fit, you may want to leave out some scores?

Version: 1.1 - aka "OMG phpBB3.1"
Modified to work with the new look and feel.
Report bugs here.