what training have free spirits been doing today?

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big dave k
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what training have free spirits been doing today?

Post by big dave k »

there's a similar thread to this on the c2 forum, and i find it can be quite good for motivation.

i know it should technically be in the 'training' forum, but i don't know how many people really use that, and so i thought this might include more folks.

post any training you've done, be it good, bad or indifferent. and then us nosy buggers can start to hurl advice about how you should be pacing yourself and why you should be going even quicker!!!

19, 6'8", 93kg

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Post by big dave k »

i'll get the ball rolling...

did about 25k on the water at the weekend over 2 sessions, saturday and sunday.

also did weights on sunday, second session. im still aching today. have been walking around like a cripple and my arse hurts to sit down on!! always like that when i havent done weights in a while

weights were:

bench pull: 1x8 60kg, 2x10 50kg
bench press: 1x8 60kg 2x8 50kg
leg press: 3x10 140kg
squats: 4x10 90kg
cleans: 3x8 50kg

quite a chunk off what i've been able to do before, but a good start i hope.

19, 6'8", 93kg

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Post by Stan »

Great idea Dave. Nothing to contribute today as I have not trained.
Car is at the garage as the power steering is knackered (power steering fluid all over the engine and the road (just made it to the garage before the steering gave out) . Pouring with rain and didnt fancy walking to the gym.
Was considering starting the "pathetic excuses for not training thread" :oops: :roll:
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Post by big dave k »

all is welcome. what training you did, why you didnt train, what you were doing when you came up with some implausable excuse for not training!

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Post by redshell »

I did a steady 5k at 6am. Then mid afternoon.....short session so here goes
5k with the damper +2 more than normal
7 minutes for the CTC though not flat out, just made sure my ave was under 2:00
5k on the treadmill/hills
Plus some weights

This is my 3rd week of training. Looking to do the marathon/rowing of course mid April
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Post by Gooner Neil »

Did 10k at just over 1.59/500. Tried to keep spm down. Worked for first 5k (between 20-23spm). Got ragged and then ranged 24spm to 28spm. Heart rate too high to class as a UT row but at least spms better.
Neil 40 LWT (in both senses) 74k 5'08" former British record holder 100km 35-39lwt
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Post by Jessica-Red »

This is a good idea for a thread Dave!

I did 3 lots of 5k all at rubbish times of around 28/30 mins each even tho they were hard work-

BUT I also did total of 50 mins on hill climb cross trainer (20mins to warm up /10mins to warm up after coffee break/20 mins to warm down)

AND I walked in the drizzle to town and back (Ihr steady fast stroll) to earn my coffee

I did all this to mix up my training a bit and inject some extra blubber burning :lol:
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Post by Spamuel »

No training for me today as I have the dreaded lurgy (real flu, not man flu :shock: ).

No training until next week. that will make it two weeks without any sporting activity I will be hard to live with :roll:
I joined for the rowing but stayed for the lycra

Post by ExDragon »

Had my first attempt at a HM today 1:45:14.9 - quite pleased - felt reasonably ok all the way through - though 10k down to 5k I started to question my sanity.

Am now sitting at pc with hot water bottle behind me!!! Not sure if I can use backache from rowing as an excuse not to work tomorrow??!!

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Post by big dave k »

well done paula

the first one's always going to be the worst

i still struggle mentally with going past half an hour, but am getting better. just need to get training regularly now and i should be doing some longer distance stuff.

always find it helps to have a target as you know you can complete the distance at that pace because you've done it before. any doubts in the mind can just be ignored then

19, 6'8", 93kg

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Post by plummy »

Agreed - very well done Paula. As has been said many times before on this forum - there's no such thing as a bad HM if you complete it. =D>

I went for my first attempt at the uphill challenge and blew up with 1500 to go (I was running at 1:56 splits and just knew that there wasn't a another 500 at that pace followed by another 1000 at 1:55 so I could put this in the totally failed thread. Added another 3k for warms ups and cool downs.

Possibly a bit too soon after my HM PB on Saturday to try the uphill

61 yrs old, 81kg, 5' 10"
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Post by extremeclimber »

It was actually an "easy" day for me -
I row in combo with weight/strength training:

5 min warm up on C2 - 1037 m (2:24.6 SPM 23)

30 sec deadhang
6 pullups on fingerboard
18 sec bent arm hang
5 pullups in 3 finger pocket
15 sec offset hang (15 sec on each side
19 sec L-hang
14 offset pullups (7 on each side)
33 sec deadhang (lg edges)
11 pullups (3 finger pockets)
13 sec deadhang (medium edges)
18 sec L-hang (3 finger pocket)
23 sec bent-arm hang (large edges)
23 sec deadhang (3 finger pockets)
3 sets of 13 pullups

15 min UT1 row - 3474 m (2:09.5 SPM 23)
15 min UT1 row - 3521 m (2:07.8 SPM 24)
15 min UT1 row - 3578 m (2:05.6 SPM 24)

5 min cool down - 948 metres (2:38.3 SPM 21)
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Monday Session

Post by Derrylad »

6:15am - 60 minute session - 15721 @ 22SPM Strapless - 1:54.5 splits ( just plodding ).

Ready for work, Kids to school.

Weights throughout the day:
3x12 @55kg incline chest
3x12 @65kg chest
3x12 @75kg decline chest
3x12 @40kg arm curls ( single bar both hands )
6x12 @45kg arm curls ( single bar both hands )
12x12 @80kg pecdec natural motion
3x12 @30kg shoulder press
3x12 @35kg shoulder press
3x12 @40kg shoulder press
6x12 @10kg each arm - lateral raises
12x12 @75kg seated row
3x12 @20kg tricep pushdown
3x12 @25kg tricep pushdown
3x12 @30kg tricep pushdown
12x12 @80kg lats

tonight did 1st 5k in 18:16 @23SPM strapless ( 1:49.5 )
5 minute rest
2nd 5k in 18:35 @22SPM Strapless ( 1:51.5 )
5 minute rest
3rd 5k in 19:07 @22SPM Strapless ( 1:54.7 )
1,595m cooldown

Thats me done. Will usually try and do the same / similar workouts every Mon, Wed and Fri. Will be upping the weigths as 90kg is the max on my gym and am currently waiting for an add on stack to arrive. ( am I sad or what - heh heh! )

Last edited by Derrylad on Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Paul Victory »

At a conference all day.

Went for a meal afterwards in the Guinness Hop Store and had some Guinness and a few glasses of wine.

Got home a short while ago and considered doing a brief session on the erg, but common sense prevailed.

M 68 6'1" 124kg (May05), 92kg (Feb06), 122kg (Aug10), 95kg (Sep11), 117kg (Jun13), now 98kg
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Post by johnglynn »

Good thread Dave

Training wise yesterday I did a single HR limited 30min (which went WAY (162 vs 154) higher then it should have) . Didn't do anything in the evening .


Rowed another 30min today at lunch, it was slower then yesterday but much closer to my HR target (157 vs 154) . Getting back to form .
Last edited by johnglynn on Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The usual

Post by PSims »

Just over 20,000m in about 1 hour 26 min. :roll:
Which takes me to 08:55 am - enough time to scamper to work by 09:30.

Still on plan for 5 Million metres in this season - just.
Getting slower :oops: , getting more tired :(

Looking forward to mixing it up a bit from May!! 8)
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Post by krisplus5 »

Good thread! Today was strength training followed by easy 5K.

Warm up with:
quick jog, then various calisthenic/stretches

Workout: Supersets (2 exercises at 45 sec. each/ 3sets)
military press / lunges
pushups / step-ups
crunches / squats
core-hold / lat pull-downs

Cool-down w/ core work:
30 crunches
30 twist crunches
1 minute flutter-kicks

5k row easy, split ~ 2:26, 25spm
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Post by extremeclimber »

Good Workout today:

5 min warm-up - 970 metres
2000 m test pc - 7:38.7 ( a new PB)

2 hand press w/ reverse lunge - 4 sets 10 reps 35/35 lbs
Front/back lunges on Bosu - 3 sets 10 reps w/ 15/15 lbs
Snatches - 3 sets 10 reps 75 lbs
1 leg/1 arm side laterals - 3 sets 10 reps each side (30 lbs)
Side laterals on balance board - 3 sets 10 reps 25/25 lbs
Bent over cable laterals on bosu - 3 sets 10 reps 20 lbs
Cable "woodchops" - 3 sets 12 reps 85 lbs

20 min UT2 row - 4430 metres
5 min cool-down - 919 metres
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Post by Jessica-Red »

Warmed up then did a HM attempt-
rubbish time and everything hurt -too much worrying abt what time I wld achieve-wanted to handle down several times BUT
said to self
Free Spirit sDO NOT HANDLE DOWN !!!

so turned stops into BREAKS! kept going to bitter end

dunno how really!

have discussed my result privately with Dr Erg!
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Post by big dave k »

weights for me today.

chest, shoulders, triceps and abs.

might go down the club later and do an erg. actually, might head down soon and see about taking a scull out, it's quite a nice day

19, 6'8", 93kg

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Post by krisplus5 »

big dave k wrote:might head down soon and see about taking a scull out, it's quite a nice day
So jealous! It's sunny today, but with wind-chill it's 4F here. :shock: :mrgreen:
[giving up on PBs and SBs. Just Row.]
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Post by big dave k »

krisplus5 wrote:
big dave k wrote:might head down soon and see about taking a scull out, it's quite a nice day
So jealous! It's sunny today, but with wind-chill it's 4F here. :shock: :mrgreen:
that was said before going outside. was quite chilly, despite the sun, it turned out.

didn't do either in the end. still got some serious aching going on from sunday's leg weights. tomorrow evening though, definately. need to pull my finger out if i want to start making the gains im hoping for

19, 6'8", 93kg

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Post by Gooner Neil »

1 hr 14051m 83% av hr.
Neil 40 LWT (in both senses) 74k 5'08" former British record holder 100km 35-39lwt
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Post by Stan »

Following yesterdays unacceptable wimp out I decided I needed to hurt myself so broke 40 minutes for 10k for the first time then did another 5k as a cool down.
Still without a car so cycled 5 miles - quite enjoying using the bike again so I will probably keep using it over the summer.
pb times

Post by ExDragon »

Had my strangest workout yet today... like a Fairy Tale... something along the lines of Goldilocks and the 3 ergs!!

1. Sat down at first erg to do 2000m warm up but the main part of the gym I was in was boiling and airless tonight

2. so then moved into another room which is usually much cooler - the only erg available was a bit ricketty so just set for 500m to test it out before making a commitment... hmmm not good.

3. The erg next to me became free so jumped on it instead and set 5000m but just couldn't get into the swing and the air conditioning in this room turned out to be too cold for me this evening!!

So unlike Goldilocks I didn't get it just right but wasn't a complete failure as still clocked up another 7,500 towards my 1st mill.

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