LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Jill »

Tina Gallasch wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2023 12:50 am Hi Jill, thanks so much for checking in. Yes, we are still aiming to compete in the Games, but my training is not what it should be. Still going to the gym and doing weight training, but actual rowing training is a bit sparse. Raj is still going strong at 16 years old - his kidneys are failing, but that's to be expected at his age. He's definitely getting crankier that's for sure. Typical old man !! Cheers,
Hi Tina, Is your sporadic erg training due to a lack of time or a lack of enthusiasm or a bit of both? What you certainly do not lack is courage.

Thank you, and Philip for your thumbnail sketches of Topaze and Jaz; two grand and much loved family members.

Tina, your remark about Jaz getting crankier and likening him to a typical old man, made me laugh out loud, and when I read your comments to Richard, he laughed out loud too. Mind you, Richard started out as a self-confessed GYM, or grumpy, young man, especially when he played hockey and argued ( frequently ) with the referee. He has mellowed a little since then ... sort of. :fsbgrin: :fswink:

Having been a feral cat, we never knew Ginger Baker’s actual age but the vet thought he was probably about four, so we enjoyed the pleasure of his company for another eleven years, before his kidneys started to fail and he had to be put to sleep.

We never had another cat but for many years now, I have been a member of Cats Protection.

As I mentioned previously, although small, Ginger would square up to and see off any other cats who were reckless enough to enter his garden. With us though, he was always so sweet and loving.

Ages ago, I read an article that said ginger cats originated from Scandanavia, although these days, using DNA, it was then decided that they first came from the Middle East.

I shall have to fall back on artistic license here and claim that when the Vikings first arrived on these shores and were charging up the beach, sitting on the shoulders of the Viking Chief, was a small, ginger cat … one Erik Blood Claw. It wasn’t long before there were lots of ginger kitties running around; and so began a Dynasty.
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Tina Gallasch »

Hi Jill, Love the artistic license - now, having read it, I shall forever think of Erik Blood Claw invading the shores of Britain sitting on his Chief's shoulders and hanging on for dear life.

Training - yes well, lack of time certainly, and lack of enthusiasm possibly. I find I take forever to recover from any sort of training, but shall attempt to row today and see what happens. Right now (at breakfast time) all I want to do is go back to bed for a nap :) Cheers,
Tina Gallasch
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Carole S »

Love reading yr news and humour here its keeping me sane, just lol
Take care girls
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Jill »

Dear Tina and Carole,

Thank you both for your updates and apologies ( again ) for not replying sooner to your posts.

Tina, I see that you haven’t been rowing for a while, so have your plans to compete in the Games fallen through, or are you managing to keep up with the training but not posting your meterage at the moment?

People do vary as to how much sleep they need, some managing on a few hours and others, including me, requiring the full eight, in order to function properly. From your remarks, is it lack of sleep or not sleeping properly that leaves you feeling tired in the morning?

Carole, I have read through your various comments several times and I’m sure that your close family and friends will have given you a great deal of comfort and support. Has the hospital assigned you a support nurse/mentor who you can contact for ongoing advice and reassurance, or is that just me being too optimistic?

If the hospital are talking about a 6 month waiting list, then hopefully, that should give you the chance to become as healthy as is physically possible, by means of eating a nutritious diet that will help boost your immune system and aid the healing process. It’s good also, to see that you are still able to carry on with some gentle rowing.

Going forward six months, your rehab should start at the beginning of Spring; a time to look forward to lighter and longer days, daffodils, tulips and all the other burgeoning flora, along with froggy frolics, feathered fancies and other wildlife wooing. Plenty going on to help uplift your spirits. :)

Having read your comments on the Holiday Thread, where you lament, that post op, you will no longer be able to wear “ sexy V-neck tops ", may I suggest that you invest in those with a boat neckline. Not only is the style very flattering but it should also be high enough to cover your ‘ zipper ‘.

I must point out though, that the Puritan in me was deeply shocked at your mention of ‘’ sexy V-neck tops “ as this imagery has obviously inflamed young Mr Ron’s passions. :fsbgrin: :fswink: You naughty girl. :fsbgrin: :fswink:

I’m off to my bed now but in the next few days, I will regale you both with ‘ A Tale of Two Kitties ‘.

Take care now. xxxx
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Jill »

Carole, thank you for your latest health update and I hope that you will receive some clearer news soon about your heart surgery.

I have a lot on at the moment, so will save my Tale of Two Kitties for another time.

Take great care and going forward, I send you all good wishes towards a new beginning and a much healthier future.

Jill xxxx
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Jill »

I recently put up a line from a Phil Collins’ song on Name That Tune and wrote that I had a ' claim to fame '
with the artist.

Articflipper correctly identified the song as, In The Air Tonight and asked me if I was related to Phil Collins, to which i replied, “ Not That I know of.”,

Peter ( Seidman ) then wrote, “ Tell us about you and Phil Collins! "

So here goes:

When Richard and I were first married, we lived in a village near Guildford and by the time that we’d found a house there that we could afford, bought a washing machine, cooker, fridge and bed, there was little left out of our savings. We did joke that instead of new bedding, we’d have to sleep under old newspapers and dry ourselves, using moss but thankfully, we received many practical wedding presents from our generous friends and family.

Our house, a small, end of terrace, was structurally sound but had threadbare carpets throughout and no curtains. We sat on an old lilo that belonged to Richard and because we were married in May, 1976 at the beginning of a very hot summer, we thought it was fun and saw it as a form of camping. We were young, silly and reckless then. :fsbgrin: Over the next few months, Richard’s parents gave us a small kitchen table and two chairs that had been in their loft and my mum and dad gave us a small portable TV, which had been in theirs.

Move on five years to when our son was born and the interior of the house ( we liked to think ) was looking much smarter, as Richard had taught himself how to decorate, we had acquired our own furniture and each room was curtained and carpeted to our taste.

Before coming home with our son, I was told that after a few days, the Health Visitor would call in to see how I was coping and sure enough, two days later, I answered the door, and in she came. After introducing herself, she then stood in our postage stamp size hall, looked around and then, in a posh voice, uttered the immortal words, “ I have just come from Phil Collins’ house and I have to tell you, that your entire house, would fit several times into his hall." Crushed! With that, Richard walked out into the garden and thankfully, as our son was asleep she didn’t stay for long. We did joke afterwards, that as our house only had a number and not a name, perhaps we should start calling it The Hovel. :lol: :wink:

A few days ago. I mentioned to Richard that I was going to write about ‘ our claim to fame ‘ on the forum and he said, “ Oh yes. That woman. I remember after she spoke, I had to take myself out into the garden, otherwise I would have punched her. “

No Jury would convict. Justifiable GBH :lol: :wink:
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by plummy »

I think someone should start a "Claims to Fame" thread - I can see some activity on that f it happened...
61 yrs old, 81kg, 5' 10"
43Mm metres rowed. Re-setting the bar much lower now. Getting too old and brittle for this malarky
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Ian Bee »

There may be mention of where I saw Alan Titchmarshes 'Gotcha' if that were to.occur 😉
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Jill »

plummy wrote: Sun Nov 26, 2023 5:27 pm I think someone should start a "Claims to Fame" thread - I can see some activity on that f it happened...
Plummy, is that going to be you then? :fsbgrin:
Ian Bee wrote: Sun Nov 26, 2023 8:16 pm There may be mention of where I saw Alan Titchmarshes 'Gotcha' if that were to.occur
Or perhaps, Ian, it's going to be you because I can't be the only one who wants to know about Mr Titmarsh's ' Gotcha '. :fsbgrin: Alternatively, please feel free to post on here again. :)
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Ian Bee »

I happened to be doing some archaeological work in his garden (strangely for a time we lived in the same village in Hampshire). He seemed a jolly soul and allowed use of his outside convenience.
Against the wall were framed copies of covers of the radio times in which he featured. Upon the cistern was...... 🤔
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Jill »

Ian Bee wrote: Sat Dec 09, 2023 12:49 pm I happened to be doing some archaeological work in his garden (strangely for a time we lived in the same village in Hampshire). He seemed a jolly soul and allowed use of his outside convenience.
Against the wall were framed copies of covers of the radio times in which he featured. Upon the cistern was......
Ian, please excuse my overactive imagination but is this a ' Gotcha ' joke where the punchline is something about ' pulling my chain ' ? :lol: :wink: As in ' pulling my leg ' ? :lol: :wink:
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Tina Gallasch »

Well, I'm back. I never did compete in the Masters' Games, what with one thing and another I had to pull out. Then our beloved cat Rajah died. That event certainly shouldn't have stopped me rowing, and in truth it didn't but it's a good an excuse as any. Now with all the Olympic woo ha, I am motivated once again, and once again I wonder why I ever stopped.
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Carole S »

Hi Tina
Welcome back its great to see another lady on the Forum here
Im very sorry to hear life has got in your way and you lost your beloved Rajah, I still miss my pets who left us years ago.
I had an enforced stop to my rowing these past months due to a shock diagnosis leading to open heart surgery last November but Im happy to be back now churning out my slow metres and trying to get a little bit fitter and faster,
Never give up x
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Tina Gallasch »

Congratulations on your recovery Carole; that's amazing and I am so proud of you. I've been trawling through the forum, and there's so much I've missed out on, including the wonderful new website for training Weird name, but great training videos available; exactly what I need for motivation. the other thing that is really annoying me ( I nearly said a rude word there) is that recovery takes so much longer the older you get!! Take care, and talk soon.
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Carole S »

Thanks Tina
My heart is doing well in recovering but my back and hips are still giving me much bother, signs of age/diabetes/postop weight gain due to enforced period of no rowing allowed for months !!!
and maybe the way they pushed me about arranging me on their operating table plus the awful hospital bed afterwards for a week lol, hope to be allowed to chiropractor soon
Ive had a few days away at the seaside for big airshow which was exciting but exhausting with many naughty meals and my first glass of wine in 18 months !! a delicious prosecco just 1 glass
I see yr coming to the UK but guess you wont have time to come to Oxford a pity as Id love to meet you, but hope you both have a most wonderful time x
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Tina Gallasch »

Hi Carole, it would have been lovely to meet up, but the closest we are getting to Oxford is Reading. We are basically headed north this trip (I'm a Yorkshire lass). Maybe next time.

I'm so pleased to hear you are on the mend. Surgery is always a challenge but yours sounds more challenging than most. Unfortunately the old saying is true - if you don't use it, you lose it; and sadly you had little choice. Baby steps and by this time next year, there'll be no stopping you. In any case I don't see much point in living a long but miserable life, so here's to many more "naughty meals" and a few more glasses of prosecco!
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Carole S »

Cheers Tina, have a WONDERFUL trip x
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Tina Gallasch »

Thanks Carol - we've arrived in Manchester, and I'm having trouble getting my brain to work - apart from that we're good :)
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Carole S »

Hows the trip going Tina ? X
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Tina Gallasch »

The trip was great - apart from the weather and the fact I didn't do any training at all. Back home now and slowly getting back into the swing of things. How are you going along?
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Carole S »

Oh yes the famous British weather :roll:

Glad everything else was good

Im plodding along thanks, just managed a season million but its been very hard, gives me aches and pains everywhere including the area round my scar so Ive cut down both my distances and my resistance setting, I think the sternum bone heals in a few months but all the nerves muscles tendons take longer
Im seeing the cardiologist for next tests checkup 2 days before Christmas !!! What a pressie that will be :shock:
Getting ready now for the Halloween concept challenge slow steady just like the tortoise v the hare
Take care
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Tina Gallasch »

A season million!! Wow - and massive congratulations. I'm nowhere near that level, but still doing more than I used to. I shall take your achievement as my inspiration.

I go in for knee surgery in a couple of weeks - not a full replacement, but a new knee cap - my knee caps are breaking up and the bone fragments get caught in the joint, and then I fall over. It's not a pretty sight, I can tell you :). I don't know how long I'll be off the rower, but it won't be as long as a knee replacement.

One of the highlights of the trip was a tour of the Royal Albert Hall followed by afternoon tea - expensive, but worth it. I suspect we enjoyed it all the more because it wasn't overrun with tourists; a healthy number but not overwhelming. Look after yourself!
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Carole S »

Thanks so much Tina
Ouch yr poor knees, I hope that all goes well and youll soon be fighting fit again
I adore an afternoon tea !!!!
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Tina Gallasch »

That afternoon tea was the stuff of legends - actually more a high tea - we certainly didn't need any dinner afterwards. Maybe, if ever I do get back to the UK again, we could meet in Oxford and have afternoon tea together - now that would be a nice plan.
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Re: LADIES banter/training/motivation thread ??

Post by Tina Gallasch »

Just 4 weeks and one day after knee replacement surgery - and I just rowed 1014 metres. Ever so slightly pleased with myself - but I won't say how long it took me.
Tina Gallasch
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