Hi Tina, Is your sporadic erg training due to a lack of time or a lack of enthusiasm or a bit of both? What you certainly do not lack is courage.Tina Gallasch wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2023 12:50 am Hi Jill, thanks so much for checking in. Yes, we are still aiming to compete in the Games, but my training is not what it should be. Still going to the gym and doing weight training, but actual rowing training is a bit sparse. Raj is still going strong at 16 years old - his kidneys are failing, but that's to be expected at his age. He's definitely getting crankier that's for sure. Typical old man !! Cheers,
Thank you, and Philip for your thumbnail sketches of Topaze and Jaz; two grand and much loved family members.
Tina, your remark about Jaz getting crankier and likening him to a typical old man, made me laugh out loud, and when I read your comments to Richard, he laughed out loud too. Mind you, Richard started out as a self-confessed GYM, or grumpy, young man, especially when he played hockey and argued ( frequently ) with the referee. He has mellowed a little since then ... sort of.

Having been a feral cat, we never knew Ginger Baker’s actual age but the vet thought he was probably about four, so we enjoyed the pleasure of his company for another eleven years, before his kidneys started to fail and he had to be put to sleep.
We never had another cat but for many years now, I have been a member of Cats Protection.
As I mentioned previously, although small, Ginger would square up to and see off any other cats who were reckless enough to enter his garden. With us though, he was always so sweet and loving.
Ages ago, I read an article that said ginger cats originated from Scandanavia, although these days, using DNA, it was then decided that they first came from the Middle East.
I shall have to fall back on artistic license here and claim that when the Vikings first arrived on these shores and were charging up the beach, sitting on the shoulders of the Viking Chief, was a small, ginger cat … one Erik Blood Claw. It wasn’t long before there were lots of ginger kitties running around; and so began a Dynasty.