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Re: Rowlympic Challenge

Post by Mike Channin »

Some improvements, since last time, including an SB on the 6k.
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Re: Rowlympic Challenge

Post by fkoene »

Finished the challenge today with a 2K which went absolutely terrible. My legs didn't like it at all. I was satisfied with yesterday's 10K, perhaps that's the reason for the way I felt today.
Hadn't it been for the challenge I would have HD'd after a few hundred meters. Sort of sprinting in the last 300 meters helped me to stay just under 8 minutes.
Perhaps I'll give this one another try tomorrow or Saturday, if I might feel better up to it.
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Re: Rowlympic Challenge

Post by Iain »

Well done Fred. It is the accumulated fatigue that costs. contemplating an extra 2k is above and beyond (and will probably mean that this one occassion where I was faster than you is negated :(

Mike, congratulations on finishing.

Well while the head said a day off was required after yesterday to maximise the 30 min tomorrow, I decided to rerow the 20' which was soft as done after a fight of a 6k. Decided to make this more meaningful by extending to 21 min so I could improve my current weak 5k score, but definite plan was to row 20' then try and keep going for the final min (or less if in flat out sprint to record pace at 5k). Hoped to break 2:05 pace as step towards main current target of 25' 6k that I failed on last Sunday.

Time Distn Rate Pace Hrmax % HRmin %
04:00. 964 25 2:04.5 161 87.5% 104 56.5% - started at 2:04 but reverted to 2:05 target as got hard quite quickly
04:00. 961 25 2:04.9 170 92.4% 161 87.5% - seeing 2:06s and R26, concentrating on technique, shouldn't be this tough yet!
04:00. 963 25 2:04.6 173 94.0% 169 91.8% - H/D demons telling me to stop at 10', but as no split there managed to fight them off
04:00. 964 25 2:04.5 179 97.3% 172 93.5% - HR generally 176+, even swallowing dropped pace to 2:08 due to loss of breathing rhythm
04:00. 970 25 2:03.7 180 97.8% 175 95.1% - forgot aiming to optimise with 1' to go so only 1/2 of interval pushed
20:00 4822 25 2:04.4 180 97.8%

01:00. 251 29 01:59.5 177 96.2% 176 95.7% - not much left, finished 1:56 R35

Pro-rated 5k 16S SB at 20:41.9, after 2k disappointment, this hit my target of 825 nonathlon points exactly.

Hoping to redo 30 & 10 min Saturday. WIll be "interesting" what I can manage after an all out 30 min given poor 20' after the 6k. But really want to better this 20' pace.
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Re: Rowlympic Challenge

Post by stumpy »

Two good sessions there Iain especially the sub 8:00 which is always the tough one to get Nonathlon points on. Today’s sessions for me first a treadmill followed by a 10:00 low rate erg session. Just got the 6k to do now.
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Re: Rowlympic Challenge

Post by Iain »

Wow Colin 13SPM? People say I rate low at 16SPM! Hope the 6k goes well.

After Monday's struggle at about Hr SB pace for the 20' after a full on 6k, not looking forward to tomorrow. Although I have done these sessions, just need to separate out the 30' & 10' from a few extra metres on Sunday if required, but really wanted competitive times. Torn this morning on whether to get the 10' done, but thought as 30' my priority that this would compromise tomorrow morning too much, while I can give the 10' all I have tomorrow as the last attempt.
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Re: Rowlympic Challenge

Post by JonT »

Completed today with a 10k while watching the Olympic regatta.

Can you spot which 1250 below was where the Women’s 8 final started? Image


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Re: Rowlympic Challenge

Post by chrisnew »

Well done everyone, got it done this morning, not sure saving the 10km to last was my best idea, a real slog!
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Re: Rowlympic Challenge

Post by Draggon »

Well, I failed to be a Rowlympic rower. Too much unexpected golf this week along with some home projects that are heating up. I'd need to row near a half-marathon today to get the ones I'm missing, and I'm just not feeling that.

Congrats to all that finished or will finish today! It was a cool challenge.

Oh, and I did manage to locate the bat that's been living unnoticed in my attic for a long time apparently. Now to figure out how to safely relocate him...
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Re: Rowlympic Challenge

Post by Iain »

Better luck in 2028 Ron. I would stay quiet about the bat, here there are major fines if you are caught disturbing them. One major building project for a charity that I worked on had to provide heated bat boxes before they could remove the condemned building they were staying in!

Jon well done given your back issue. Hope it is at full strength soon.

Chris well done. interesting how different our times are. I was quicker on 1', 10k (just), 20' (just) and 6k, but you were much faster on 1k, 2k, 10' & 30'.

Well today redid the 2 I did poorly on day 1, 30' & 10'. 30' had a 2:07 target pace, was a struggle with HR on ragged edge for far longer than I would like and needed to slow. Failed first attempt at 10' only just over 400m in as H/D Demon convinced me I couldn't match my earlier time. But redid on "Just Row" with determination to finish and make C/D if necessary, went much better with 40m added, but felt harder than HR suggests. Think I deserve a glass of wine after those even if my primary target of a sub 25' 6k was not achieved. Particularly happy with 825 points in 5k following 20' yesterday.

Time Distnc Rate Pace Hrmax % HRmin %

05:00. 1,184 24 02:06.7 161 87.5% 110 59.8% - on schedule
05:00. 1,180 24 02:07.1 172 93.5% 159 86.4% - rate sometimes creeping, fighting to keep strokes long
05:00. 1,174 23 02:07.8 174 94.6% 170 92.4% - accepted 2:08 early in interval, very long 5'
05:00. 1,167 23 02:08.5 178 96.7% 172 93.5% - fighting to keep below 2:10, determined to keep quicker than 10k
05:00. 1,158 22 02:09.5 179 97.3% 174 94.6% - accepted 2:10s, new target 7039 SB
05:00. 1,189 24 02:06.2 181 98.4% 173 94.0% - very little left, if I had known only needed 2 more metres to beat 10k SB pace might have got this, but not much left.
30:00 7,052 23.3 2:07.6 181 98.4%

05:00. 1,220 27 02:03.0 169 91.8% 113 61.4% - attempt 2 going better, helped by needing 5' to record the metres! Endorphins made easier from 3:30 in when struggling on 2:04s
05:00. 1,228 28 02:02.1 175 95.1% 169 91.8% - slowed a bit, but not in doubt, half-hearted attempt at pushing final 3'.
10:00 2,448 27.5 2:02.5 175 95.1%
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Re: Rowlympic Challenge

Post by stumpy »

Thanks Draggon better luck next time matey :wink: Iain well done to you too excellent set of results mate. Completed the final session 6k just now so time for a few recovery rows oh and another bottle of red well it is the weekend after all
[attachment=0]IMG_1508.jpeg[/Your Results

RowErg/SkiErg Event BikeErg Event RowErg SkiErg BikeErg On-Water
1000 meters* 2000 meters 4:14.2
1 minute* 1 minute* 243m
10,000 meters* 20,000 meters* 46:57.6
20 minutes 20 minutes 3,818m
2000 meters* 4000 meters* 8:53.4
10 minutes 10 minutes 2,016m
6000 meters* 10,000 meters* 28:59.5
30 minutes* 30 minutes * 6,253m
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Re: Rowlympic Challenge

Post by Iain »

Well done Colin and impressive increase in pace for last 1k @ R20!
56 year old Lwt (in ability and in weight) trying to develop a technique that doesn't cause hysterics and continue to row regularly.
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Re: Rowlympic Challenge

Post by chrisnew »

Iain, it was a tough week doing 8 in 8 so expect that we both did better on some and worse on others than we thought. You did some great times and I am looking forward to seeing what I can do on the distances to improve the ranking and Nonathlon scores, without the build up of fatigue!

Hope you enjoyed the wine, I did :-)

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Re: Rowlympic Challenge

Post by Iain »

It was very nice as I try not to drink coming into a challenge! I have the same love/hate relationship with TTs as with the metal mistress herself. Enjoy the SBs, but dread the efforts. I think this is why I have lost motivation so often as my improvements slow. For this season unlikely to redo anything from 10k up, but 1k, 30' & 6k will need attention and feel I should do a better 2k if I can summon up the courage. I wish that I could find the performances you have posted for 5-10k, even when I have been getting close on other distances you are always much faster at these. I'm bemused, I could accept if I was relatively slower on longer or shorter distances and FM+ are a differnt beast again, but how can I get close at HM and 1k but adrift between?
56 year old Lwt (in ability and in weight) trying to develop a technique that doesn't cause hysterics and continue to row regularly.
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Re: Rowlympic Challenge

Post by chrisnew »

It is interesting the difference in performance, the more middle distance efforts suit me as I am a runner and expect that is where my sweet spot is, although all my performances are well below best as I am focused on running. Mind you currently injured so going to try and improve some of the efforts. As for HM, not nailed one of those properly yet so that is possibly an outlier for me and as for FM I doubt I will go there again (running yes, rowing unlikely!). Wise I could get close to your times in the 100 to 2km, but I am no sprinter! If I was going to chose a distance that suits me best it would be the slot from 5 to 10km (although I do wonder how on earth I got some of my pb's!)

Trying to make this season the season of the PB!
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