Hey Jdog welcome back - Jack burns has just posted an intersting video on people rowing & risks of heart probs -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVHVx73JI_w might be of interest!.
Nice HR at those paces Ian.
Iain taking over as the OCD specialist!!
Full day in hospital yesterday so unsure what to do today - thought optimistically maybe a 60minR20.
Wup - 1k
Time dist spm HR split
06:00.0 1334 20 0 02:14.9
06:00.0 1335 20 0 02:14.8
06:00.0 1335 20 0 02:14.8 - finding it hard going may only do 30mins
06:00.0 1335 20 0 02:14.8
06:00.0 1335 20 0 02:14.8
06:00.0 1335 20 0 02:14.8 - OK do another 2 invals
06:00.0 1335 20 0 02:14.8
06:00.0 1335 20 0 02:14.8 - might as well go for 60mins!
06:00.0 1335 20 0 02:14.8
06:00.0 1335 20 0 02:14.8
06:00.0 1335 20 0 02:14.8 - doh lost track of no of intervals.
01:06:00 14676 20 0 02:14.9
CD - 1k
Well turned out better than I thought. HR monitor up to its usual tricks but as my HR has been so inconsistent not too bothered. Alzheimers meant did 66 mnutes
First longer session in a while.