Election year

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Election year

Post by webberg »

The UK and the USA have elections this year. Much of Europe does as well with the EU elections getting underway this week in the Netherlands.

I don't wish to expose anybody's political affiliations or preferences, but there might be place to respectfully discuss where we think global/national/politics is right now?

My perhaps over riding concern is that many politicians owe more allegiance to their political party/movement and/or their own ego as reflected in their position than they do the concept of public service.

That cannot be good for anybody.

Certainly here in Europe we are also seeing the rise of what we might describe as far right populist parties as borders and budgets come under pressure from displaced persons seeking a new home.

That might be "good" for some but very bad for others.

The opening salvos in the UK General Election have been fired but we've already seen accusations of the incumbent PM "lying" or at least "misleading" people by his use of statistics which claim to represent his oppositions spending plans. I'm sure it will not be long before we see similar faux pas from the opposition. Should politicians be obliged to have their numbers and claims fact checked before they're permitted to use them?
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Re: Election year

Post by fkoene »

webberg wrote: Fri Jun 07, 2024 10:39 am Should politicians be obliged to have their numbers and claims fact checked before they're permitted to use them?
A very brief opinion from me on this part: I think they should but I'm afraid they (and some in particular) won't.
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