Great to see you back Paul. Mat still great nos post illness. =D> Back from a great skiing trip to Chamonix & a gentle restart 30minR20 Wup - 1k Time dist spm HR split 06:00.0 1334 20 120 02:14.9 06:00.0 1335 20 123 02:14.8 06:00.0 1334 20 128 02:14.9 06:00.0 1334 20 130 02:14.9 06:00.0 1334 20 132 ...
Thanks Iain & Mike for the comments. Mike I saw a 177HR last year but probably 175 is closer to max HR. Think I could go quicker if other hobbies didn`t get in the way.
Iain as someone with dry ski who uses chalk & liquid chalk 4-5 days a week ( climbing) I find the best solution is to sand the calluses down with sand paper ( not too much!!) when they get too thick then apply some hand cream to keep them supple. After my marker last month 210094m :lol: decided on a ...
Had a go today. Wup - 3k Time dist spm HR split 04:00.0 1000 27 157 02:00.0 03:59.5 1000 28 161 01:59.7 03:59.0 1000 28 162 01:59.5 03:58.5 1000 27 163 01:59.2 03:54.6 1000 29 164 01:57.3 19:51.6 5000 27 161 01:59.1 CD - 2k Not too unhappy with that about what the 4x2k predicted a few days ago ...
Nice wout Iain. I decided to quit 12k in when the legs were tiring rapidly & so sped up a bit on the last 2k!!
CTC for me today - last chance saloon as always.
Good luck to you & Ian on your big effort.
Agree with Iain JonT those low HR`s mean u should push the pace a bit!!! :D Nice session Iain OCD for the first 60mins!! =D> Time for some sprints did this wout on 21st dec - at 1.49.0/34spm/159hr Wup - 1k Time dist spm HR split Prev 01:00.0 270 32 149 01:51.1 - (1.51.9) 01:00.0 273 32 153 01:49.8 ...
Well done Iain on a nice -ve split & finnishing the wout when your head not up for it. =D> =D> When I feel like that I often target 1/2way thro the wout knowing that if I make it that far stubborness takes over & I will finnish!! :lol: So my first PP session of 2025 - the dreaded 4x2k!!! :shock ...
Good effort with the standing starts Iain I am always a bit afraid of hurting my back especially at hi drag!! :shock: =D> =D> So a first for me today went skiing in the Pentlands this morning then did a rowing wout after!!! Wup - 1k Time dist spm HR split 06:00.0 1333 20 130 02:15.0 06:00.0 1334 20 ...
Hi Iain yes last rep at normal drag in these session is often slower as legs are usually fried! this is an EM session & he says the object of the last round is to feel the acceleration & slower splits to be expected!!
Very cold today 1 degree - decided on a session I have been avoiding - didn`t do it once in 2024! Power strokes 5x5minR2mins with first 4 rounds at drf170 & last at 120 Wup - 2.5k Time dist spm HR split 05:00.0 1227 21 152 02:02.2 - 2.5min ea @20 & 22spm 05:00.0 1240 22 157 02:00.9 - 2/2/1min@ 20/22 ...
Almost 5hrs on the erg Iain - i am in awe of that performance way beyond what I could cope with! ^O^ ^O^ Thoughts of a 4x2k this morning but bagged after 1k :evil: - 5 rowing sessions this week & keep forgetting to do thes tuff sessions after a rest day!!! :x Rescued with a 30minR20 Wup - 3k Time ...
Great result Iain a 2 sec improvement very impressive. =D> =D> Decided to start the new year with a PP session - 5x750R3.30. Only managed this once last year. WUp - 3k Time dist spm HR split Prev 02:53.5 750 31 157 01:55.6 - (1.56.6) 02:52.6 750 31 159 01:55.0 = (1.55.7) 02:51.6 750 32 160 01:54.4 ...
Still crankin out the hours Iain!! Are you classifing 80%MHR as UT2 & 90% as UT1? A bit of a longer one today after yesterdays CTC 3x15minR2 at increasing spm. wup - 1k Time dist spm HR split 05:00.0 1122 20 0 02:13.6 04:00.0 920 22 0 02:10.4 03:00.0 706 24 0 02:07.4 02:00.0 485 26 0 02:03.7 01:00.0 ...
Last chance saloon as per usual. As others have noted a very tuff wout psychologicaly with every interval geting longer & standing starts adding to the difficulty!!! :shock: Wup - 3k Time dist spm HR split 01:00.0 268 34 152 01:51.9 02:00.0 527 33 161 01:53.8 03:00.0 780 31 164 01:55.3 04:00.0 1020 ...
Well done Iain that looks very tuff!!! ^O^ Positive splitting hard mentaly at least for me!!! Something a bit longer for myself as well. 5k/4k/3k/2k/1k R90s @ 18/20/22/24/26spm Wup - 1k Time dist spm HR split Prev 21:37.8 5000 18 161 02:09.7 - (2.10.1) 16:53.7 4000 20 163 02:06.7 - (2.07.1) 12:32.2 ...